Celebrate the A100, the most impactful Asian Pacific Leaders.

Zachary Lee

Zachary Lee (he/him) is from Chicago’s North Side (he feels the need to clarify he’s actually from the city). In 2020, he graduated from Cornell University where he studied English, specifically focusing on creative writing and science fiction, and minored in Spanish. His senior thesis focused on how Asian American science fiction is inherently a genre of reconciliation, one where authors can prototype better worlds that are not solely rooted or constrained by present hardships. He loves to write about the intersection of faith, race, and media, and slyly finding ways to use writing projects as an excuse to stay up to date on pop culture by freelancing for sites like Sojourners, Christianity Today, and Think Christian. An avid Letterboxd evangelist, when he’s not logging films, he collects and poses action figures, and writes down the funny and/or profound quotations the people around him say (that they’ve probably forgotten about).