Celebrate the A100, the most impactful Asian Pacific Leaders.

Shrey Kapoor, Vivek Kapoor, Saanchi Kapoor, Dr. Andre Nic Gay


Shrey Kapoor
First ever dual MD/MBA candidate at Johns Hopkins. Recipient of full scholarship for MBA and the Schier and Harry P. Clause Jr. Scholarship for School of Medicine ($150,000). Prolific researcher (10+ peer-reviewed scientific publications), serial entrepreneur.

Saanchi Kapoor
Expert in building in AI, financial modeling, and business administration; nationally acclaimed HS student with 14 honors/distinctions.

Vivek Kapoor
25+ years of Silicon Valley software management experience, prior founder of TownConnect Inc.

About MedSetGo
MedSetGo aims to optimize care placement for at-home medical services, powering the merchandizing of the next generation of healthcare delivery. MedSetGo aspires to be the leading tech-enabled mobile care convener, thereby reducing costs, improving outcomes, and increasing access across the care continuum.