Sonal Bagga & Kai Xu


Sonal Bagga

Sonal has 21+ Years experience in product & engineering at Goldman Sachs, Boston Consulting Group,, Motorola.She has held Director level positions, managed and executed delivery of large scale engineering systems. She has a Master’s Degree (Software Engineering) from Carnegie Mellon University.


Kai Xu

Kai is a proven entrepreneur as the founder of a successful Chinese dating app (布咕) and a private investment firm (Balius Capital).Has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from University of Illinois Urbana Champaign and a Master’s degree in Finance from Boston College.



Namma wants to make the family and friends network the first source of capital for the world. We want to do so by making the process of borrowing, lending and transacting money easy & less awkward by providing features of formalization, legality and management around them.