Celebrate the A100, the most impactful Asian Pacific Leaders.

Iris (Yi Youn) Kim

“Iris (Yi Youn) Kim is a writer living in Los Angeles covering Asian American identity, politics, and culture. Her work has appeared in NYT Tiny Love Stories, Harper’s Bazaar, Salon, Slate, and TIME. Her essay was anthologized in Woodhall Press’ “”Nonwhite and Woman”” in September 2022.
She is a 2022 PEN America Emerging Voices Fellow, a 2022 U.S.-South Korea Center for Public Diplomacy NextGen Creative Fellow, and a 2023 Korea Peace Now 30 Under 30 youth activist.
She is currently working on a collection of essays about the reverberations of immigration and assimilation within Korean American communities. Iris is a graduate of the University of Southern California.”