Celebrate the A100, the most impactful Asian Pacific Leaders.

Geoffrey Woo


Geoffrey Woo is co-founder and CEO of H.V.M.N. – Health via Modern Nutrition. H.V.M.N. pioneers ketones as a new food group (beyond fats, proteins, and carbohydrates) and makes products focused on metabolic performance and health including those of elite athletes.


Geoffrey hosts the H.V.M.N. Podcast, a top 50 bestselling iTunes Health & Fitness / Nutrition podcast with over 30K+ subscribers on YouTube. He holds a BS with Honors and Distinction in Computer Science from Stanford University.


What inspired you all to create this company?
My company is about redefining the limits of human performance, metabolism, and longevity with ketogenic nutrition and bring a ‘systems engineering’ approach to nutrition.


What distinguishes your company and product in the market?
Our main product is a ketone ester drink that originated from a DARPA program to enhance soldier metabolism and performance. We have an exclusive IP license with co-inventors at Oxford and NIH.