Bob is currently the CEO and co-founder of Teleport, one of the first companies built on Uber’s API. The platform brings on-demand transportation services to those that need it the most: underserved communities, individuals with disabilities, and senior citizens. He was previously a partner with Social Starts, a seed stage VC fund, that invests in companies like Mashable, Boxed, Greenhouse, and Elite Daily. Before Social Starts, he was an investor at Ziff Brothers Investments serving in a variety of roles in the Family Office, as well as the Private Markets & Strategy team. Prior to that he worked as an investment banker in Shanghai, China structuring pre-IPO technology companies. Bob is a deeply-tied connector and enabler of both established and up-and-coming Asian Americans. He is co-founder and the former President of Taiwanese American Professionals – New York (TAP-NY) and also the former President of Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL). In his free time he teaches financial literacy to high school students through Junior Achievement (JA). He has also written for Fortune Magazine and NextShark. He holds a BA in International Relations (Global Business) from the University of Southern California and is a 2nd degree black belt in kendo.
Bob Wu

Co-Founder & CEO, Teleport