Josephine Park is a member of the faculty steering committee of the Asian American Studies Program, and she specializes in twentieth-century American literature and culture, with an emphasis on American Orientalism and Asian American literature. She is the author Apparitions of Asia: Modernist Form and Asian American Poetics (Oxford 2008), which reads a modern history of American literary alliances with East Asia and was awarded the Literary Book Award by the Association for Asian American Studies, and Cold War Friendships: Korea, Vietnam, and Asian American Literature (Oxford 2016), which examines Asian American subjectivities shaped by wartime alliances in Korea and Vietnam. She is the co-editor (with Paul Stasi) of Ezra Pound in the Present: Essays on Pound’s Contemporaneity (Bloomsbury 2016). Her teaching interests include minority literature, American poetry, theories of race and subject formation, modernism, and cold war cultural studies.
Josephine Park

Director of Asian American Studies, Professor of English and Undergraduate Chair, University of Pennsylvania