With a distinguished career in the federal government, politics, and non-profit advocacy, Erika L. Moritsugu has dedicated her personal and professional life fighting for social justice and the empowerment of underserved and marginalized communities and individuals.
She currently serves as Deputy Assistant to the President and the first-ever Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) Senior Liaison at the White House, where she supports the Biden-Harris Administration on a wide array policies and outreach to advance the President’s priorities, and engage with a cross-section of communities to promote equity, justice, and opportunity for AA and NHPIs.
Her past government service includes serving as the Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations at the Department of Housing and Urban Development under the leadership of Secretary Julián Castro in the Obama Administration and was the first-ever Senate Deputy Legislative Director at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
On Capitol Hill, she was a senior representative of Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, Senator Daniel K. Akaka of Hawai‘i, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, and served in various roles at the Senate Democratic Policy Committee.
In the non-profit sector, Erika managed two teams at the National Partnership for Women & Families that focused on economic justice and congressional relations, advocating for gender and race equity in workforce and health policies. Erika has also led the Government Relations, Advocacy and Community Engagement teams at the Anti-Defamation League, which included championing its interreligious and interfaith work.
Erika attended Brandeis University, the College of William and Mary, and George Washington University Law School. Born in California and raised in Hawaiʻi, Moritsugu lives on Capitol Hill with her spouse, Brian, their two children, Vianne Leilani and Chester Likeke, their two cats, and one dog.”