Celebrate the A100, the most impactful Asian Pacific Leaders.

Angela Sutherland, Evelyn Rusli


Angela Sutherland is the CEO and Co-Founder of Yumi, a new venture-backed nutrition and wellness baby company for babies. Prior to Yumi, Angela was a director at Sierra Constellation Partners, a private equity firm and formerly an investment banker at Goldman Sachs. Skilled at operations, Angela has turned around numerous businesses, from seafood distributor to industrial brush manufacturers. She graduated from Brown University with a degree in mathematics.


What inspired you all to create this company?
We are inspired by The First 1000 Days and believe in better nutrition for the next generation. We are fed up with processed foods that masquerade as “nutritious” meals but are filled with fructose.


What distinguishes your company and product in the market?
We have a clear food philosophy that’s grounded in science. Our food is FRESH, and mapped against the first 1,000 days, accounting for the tremendous nutritional needs of a child during this period